Wojtyla e Teresa, ou um caso de superprodução de santos Portugese translation of "Wojtyla and Teresa, or a Case of Saintly Overproduction" by our religious affairs correspondent (November 3, 2003).
Bolívia: Insurreição das Massas Derruba o Presidente Portuguese translation of Bolivia: a mass insurrection overthrows the president by Jorge Martín (October 18, 2003)
Studentenproteste legen Schwächen des Regimes im Iran offen German translation of "Student protests reveal weakness of the Iranian regime".
Inmitten der imperialistischen Unterdrückung: Die Tradition der irakischen Kommunisten lebt weiter German translation of "The Iraqi Communist tradition is still alive".
O Trecentésimo aniversário de São Petersburgo comemoraçoes da classe dominante Portuguese translation of Russia: The 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg - a ruling class holiday by A.Kramer (June 2003)
Irak: Eine "vietnamesische" Falle für die Streitkräfte der "Koalition"? German translation of "Iraq: A "Vietnamese" trap for the "coalition" forces?"
Die kaltblütige Haltung der Zionisten angesichts des Holocausts German translation of "The cold-blooded stance of the Zionists in the face of the Holocaust"
George W. Bush e as Cruzadas Portuguese translation ofGeorge W. Bush and the Crusades by Alan Woods (May 8, 2003)
Die Medien und der Krieg: Zensur bei den Monopolen? German translation of "The situation in Britain for the Left is as good as it has been at any time I can remember". Interview with Jeremy Dear, British NUJ General Secretary. It was published yesterday in Junge Welt, a German left-wing newspaper.
Italien - eine Bilanz von zwei Jahren intensiven Klassenkampfes German translation of Italy - a balance sheet of two years of intense class struggle.
Kuba in der Krise: Hinrichtungen und Repression - ein unabhängiger Klassenstandpunkt German translation of "Cuba: Executions and repression - a class point of view "
Große Unzufriedenheit in Pakistan: Droht bei Krieg soziale Explosion? Interview with Manzoor Ahmed, published in "junge Welt".
Manifest gegen den Irakkrieg Mobilisieren wir gegen Krieg und Kapitalismus! Der Kampf gegen Imperialismus ist ein Kampf gegen Kapitalismus! German Translation of The In Defence of Marxism Manifesto on the imperialist war against Iraq.