
Pocas horas después del lanzamiento del manifiesto programático de los “Tories” para las elecciones del 8 de junio, la ventaja de los Conservadores frente al Partido Laborista se ha visto reducida a la mitad en los sondeos.

Los Conservadores están en crisis por el bombazo provocado por su propuesta del llamado  “impuesto a la demencia” (un impuesto que penaliza a los enfermos dementes), que es un ataque directo contra los mayores y los enfermos, los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad.

Twenty-two people have been killed and 59 injured in the most deadly terrorist attack on British soil since the London 7/7 bombings. The attack on a pop concert at the Manchester Arena, carried out by a lone suicide bomber, was deliberately timed to strike as thousands of people, including many children, began to leave the venue at 22:35. A number of children and teenagers are already known to be among the dead and missing.

Within hours of the launch of the Tory manifesto, the Conservative lead over Labour in the polls was slashed by half. The Tories are in a crisis over their “dementia tax” bombshell, which is a direct attack on the aged and sick, the most vulnerable sections of society. Another manifesto pledge, to axe free school lunches, provoked widespread uproar after a report found it could hit 900,000 pupils. Out of desperation, there has been a feeble attempted U-turn on the “dementia tax”, with promises of some kind of cap. But this is too little too late. Welcome back to the Nasty Party!

Socialist Appeal and the International Marxist Tendency invite all our readers to REVOLUTION 2017 - a three day festival of Marxist ideas in London, celebrating the centenary of the Russian Revolution of October 1917 and discussing the relevance of Marxism today. Book your tickets now!

Na terça-feira, uma fonte anônima vazou o manifesto preliminar do Partido Trabalhista para as próximas eleições gerais – sem dúvida o manifesto mais audaz e mais à esquerda que o Trabalhismo já levantou em décadas. As propostas cobrem desde a renacionalização do Royal Mail [Serviço postal nacional do Reino Unido – NDT] à restauração dos direitos sindicais e à construção de 100 mil casas municipais ao ano.

The recent local elections provide important lessons for the labour movement as a whole. In many areas the Labour vote decreased and the party lost overall control over some of its core local authorities, such as Merthyr Tydfil, the home constituency of Keir Hardie, the first Labour MP in the House of Commons.

With only a few weeks to go until election day, Labour’s campaign to boot out the Tories is gathering momentum and the gap in the polls is narrowing. Despite a concerted and co-ordinated effort by the Tories, the right-wing press, and the Blairites to discredit Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader and his campaign are cutting through the web of lies and slanders by appealing directly to workers and youth on the basis of mass rallies and a bold and radical programme.

Na de meest chaotische presidentiële verkiezingen van de Vijfde Republiek, werd een nieuw staatshoofd verkozen. Na de eerste stemronde was de winnaar van de tweede ronde al bekend. Miljoenen linksgezinden hebben voor Macron gestemd enkel om de nederlaag van Le Pen te verzekeren. De fout ligt hier bij vele linkse- en vakbondsleiders die hen geen concreet alternatief boden. De meesten gingen zelfs zo ver dat ze opriepen om voor Macron te stemmen. Desondanks zijn de 20,7 miljoen stemmen voor Macron geen positief politiek signaal. Macron heeft in de tweede ronde veel stemmen gekregen van supporters van Fillon, Hamon en Mélenchon. Zijn steun bestaat uit een mengelmoes van linkse en rechtse


El martes pasado, una fuente anónima filtró el borrador del manifiesto del Partido Laborista para las próximas elecciones generales del 8 de junio, sin duda el manifiesto más valiente y a la izquierda que el Partido Laborista haya defendido en décadas. Las promesas abarcan desde la renacionalización del Royal Mail (la antigua empresa estatal de correos) hasta la restauración de los derechos sindicales y la construcción de 100.000 viviendas municipales al año.

On Tuesday, an anonymous source leaked the Labour Party’s draft manifesto for the upcoming general election - without doubt the boldest and most left-wing manifesto that Labour has stood on in decades. Pledges cover everything from the renationalisation of Royal Mail, to restoring trade union rights and building 100,000 council houses a year.

Οι πιο χαώδεις προεδρικές εκλογές της Πέμπτης Δημοκρατίας οδήγησαν στην εκλογή ενός νέου αρχηγού κράτους. Με το τέλος του πρώτου γύρου των εκλογών, ο νικητής του δεύτερου ήταν ήδη γνωστός. Εκατομμύρια αριστεροί ψηφοφόροι ψήφισαν «με μισή καρδιά» Μακρόν, για να ηττηθεί η Μαρίν Λεπέν.

“Marx is back in fashion.” So says the London Evening Standard (editor: George Osborne!) as the “sexy socialists” push Karl Marx and Das Kapital back into the limelight.

The annual analysis of the wealth of the richest 1,000 people in Britain by the Sunday Times has been completed once again. The results are shocking, but unsurprising.

Their combined wealth has now reached £658 billion (a rise of 14% since the review last year), which makes it greater than the combined wealth of the poorest 40% of Britons.