Childhood, Family, and the Decline of Capitalism Childhood is supposed to be a simple, happy time, the ascendant years of a human’s life when, according to the traditional bourgeois world view, the possibilities for the future are wide open. Having lived through the relative prosperity of the postwar boom themselves, Baby Boomer parents confidently assured their children that they could be anything they wanted to be when they grew up.
Brazil: After impeachment, what are the prospects? By 61 votes to 20, the rotten Brazilian Senate has approved the impeachment of Dilma and, consequently, her definitive removal from office. This is the final chapter in a process which was started in December 2015 by the former president of the Chamber of Deputies, Eduardo Cunha.
Election 2016: America’s Most Unwanted The champions of the free market never miss an opportunity to extol its virtues: peace, prosperity, efficiency, integrity, a wide range of freedoms, and let’s not forget: lots and lots of choices. If you work hard and play by the rules, you too can get ahead. However, far from the myth peddled by the free marketeers, capitalism is organically and incurably irrational, exploitative, and corrupt.
The IMT at the World Social Forum in Montreal! Tomorrow, tens of thousands of people will gather in Montreal for the World Social Forum. This is an important gathering of unions, left groups and anyone looking to fight for a better world. The Canadian section of the International Marxist Tendency - Fightback/La Riposte - will be present all week and we will be holding two events at the forum.
Bernie's Betrayal: The Fight for Socialism Continues! With the crowning of Hillary Clinton at the DNC in Philadelphia, the 2016 election cycle appears to have come full circle. She began as the frontrunner twelve months ago, and she is now officially the party's nominee. However, what we have passed through over the last few months is not a circle, but a contradictory spiral of development. The river of American political struggle has overflowed, and while Sanders' capitulation will inevitably lead to a temporary ebbing of the tide, its course has been changed forever.
USA: Police Brutality, Racism, and the Politics of Polarization The grisly images on television and social media are unrelenting: car bombings, nightclub massacres, killer cops, and cop killers. It is what Lenin called capitalist “horror without end”—without end. Not only in “far away” Iraq, Afghanistan, and Mexico, but in some of the most prosperous cities in the richest country on earth. This is the gruesome face of the capitalist crisis, the crisis of a system that threatens to take the entire human species down with it.
Canadian Marxists publish 100th issue of Fightback! The supporters of the International Marxist Tendency in Canada have reached an important milestone. In July 2016, we publish the 100th issue of our English-language magazine, Fightback. To honour this occasion we are re-launching our paper with a new more professional design, full-colour printing on every page, and a move from 12 to 16 pages. And all this for the same $2.00 price that we charged for issue 1! This is just the latest of a ...
Bernie or Bust? The Way Forward for the Revolution On June 28, 2016, Bernie Sanders penned an op-ed piece in the New York Times titled “Democrats Need to Wake Up.” In it, he highlighted the following facts: the 62 richest people on planet earth own as much as the poorest 3.6 billion; the top 1% owns more than the bottom 99%, and the top one-tenth of 1% own almost as much as the bottom 90%. He wrote that his campaign was a fight for a political revolution, to take political power away from the super-rich, and he correctly identified Hillary Clinton as part of the...
Reflections on the Orlando Massacre - More “Horror Without End” Many decades ago, Lenin characterized capitalism as “horror without end,” As if to prove the point, in the early hours of Sunday, June 12, an armed Omar Mateen stormed into a popular gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida and massacred those inside, leaving forty-nine people dead and fifty-three wounded.
Mexico: Ten Years after the Oaxaca Commune On the 10th anniversary of the Oaxaca commune and the revolutionary movement against electoral fraud we recommend our readers to read or re-read this article, written ten years ago as the events were unfolding throughout Mexico.
Mexico: brutal repression of teachers movement kills 6 On June 19, Mexican police intervened to clear a road blockade in the town of Nochixtlan. The brutal repression left 6 people dead and dozens of others injured, at least 21 were arrested. The blockade had been organised by teachers with the support of the local communities in order to prevent Federal Police from reaching the capital of Oaxaca where striking teachers have organised an encampment.
16th Canadian Marxist Congress: Enthusiasm and Determination After Challenging Year One year after the passing of their leading comrade Camilo Cahis, Canadian supporters of the International Marxist Tendency gathered for their 16th annual congress. Facing such a blow, it would have been understandable for the group to stagnate or even decline. However, the exact opposite happened. In the face of adversity, the Marxists fighting the Canadian State did not just hold their ground but advanced impressively. The group grew to over 100 activists, increased their impact on a number of campuses, began to develop work in the unions, and have ...
Anniversary of birth of Che Guevara On the anniversary of the birth of Che Guevara we recommend our readers to read or re-read this article written 11 years ago about the life and ideas of Che.
Quebec solidaire turns ten: A critical appraisal The Quebec solidaire congress held on the weekend of May 28-29th marked the 10 year anniversary for the left-wing party in Quebec. After decades of domination by the Liberals and the Parti Quebecois (PQ), the founding of Quebec solidaire (QS) in 2006 generated a lot of enthusiasm as youth and workers were excited to break the hegemony of the two main bourgeois parties. But what is the balance sheet of these developments and how do we move forward?
Bernie: Build a Mass Socialist Party of the Working Class! The results are in from the final state primaries and the outcome is no real surprise. With the media, the Democratic Party machine, and big money behind her, Hillary Clinton has more pledged delegates than Bernie Sanders, and with the hundreds of superdelegates in her pocket, is all but the party’s nominee. Nonetheless, Bernie Sanders won primaries and caucuses in 22 states and more than 11 million votes. Sanders’ strong showing, including his latest victories in North Dakota and Montana, is proof that millions do not want to settle for Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump.