Venezuela: December 6 parliamentary elections - the Bolivarian revolution's most difficult challenge Venezuelans will go to the polls on December 6 to elect deputies to the National Assembly. A combination of factors have made this one of the most difficult challenges the Bolivarian Revolution has faced in the 17 years since President Chávez was first elected in 1998. In addition to the usual challenges of a profoundly undemocratic opposition and belligerent imperialist provocations we have to add a combination of national and international economic factors which have put Venezuela in a very tight spot and which lead to one conclusion: either the revolution is completed, or it will be defeated.
United States: The Crisis and the Minimum Wage The “Great Recession” may have “technically” ended in June 2009, but what really matters are full employment and a steadily increasing quality of life. Capitalism’s inability to provide this is not due to individual malice or indifference— though there are plenty of sociopaths on Wall Street—but because under capitalism, creating jobs and paying workers are mere afterthoughts to the real reason for the system’s existence: profits. This is the inner contradiction and absurdity of a socio-economic form that can exist only through the exploitation of workers, and yet is unable exploit all the able, willing, and available workers, millions of...
United States: To Win Justice for Jamar, Labor Must Organize and Fight for Socialism! On November 15, Jamar Clark, a 24-year-old black man, was handcuffed by police and murdered execution-style. There must be justice! There has been no justice for Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, or Mike Brown. Terrance Franklin didn’t get justice when he was murdered in 2013 in the same neighborhood as Jamar Clark. How can we expect any justice from a system that systematically excludes and terrorizes whole layers of the population?
Haiti 2004-2014: 10 years of the UN’s Military Dictatorship For ten years, Haiti has lived under a bloody military dictatorship established by the UN, imposed by Washington and led by the Brazilian army.
2015 Canadian Election: Conservative Austerity Rejected. NDP Humiliated Canadians have voted for change and rejected the austerity of the Harper Conservatives. After a decade in office and a historically long campaign, the Conservative era of cuts and division is over. However, Canada’s labour party, the New Democrats, did not capitalize on this anti-austerity mood.
Brazil: The struggle is for the abolition of the existing order Both the internal and external debt of Brazil are skyrocketing. The internal debt has reached R$3.6trn and the external debt is now US$555bn. International capital is becoming worried about default.
Canada: Workers take to the streets as mass strike movement in Quebec begins This past week in Quebec has been a large demonstration of force by the working class in the province.
Brazil: Marxist Left asks to join PSOL In April this year, the Marxist Left decided, in its National Conference, to break with the PT, faced with the irreversible and accelerated process of the party’s liquidation as a class party. (see Esquerda Marxista (Marxist Left) decides to leave the PT and fight for a left front)
One year later official version of disappearance of Ayotzinapa students collapses It is one year since the forced disappearance of 43 teacher students from Ayotzinapa in the state of Guerrero, Mexico on September 26.
Capitalism's Sickness and its Cure Today, the capitalist class is nothing more than a parasite. It has nothing to offer those suffering from disease and illness but elaborate marketing scams and patent speculation.
Subscribe to the journal of the US Marxists! This Fall we are launching a subscription campaign for Socialist Appeal [US]. As we have grown and expanded our work around the country, the quality of our writing and production has improved as well. From the #BlackLivesMatter movement to the crisis in the Middle East; from the convulsions of the EU to the state of the US labor movement; from historical analysis to key aspects of Marxist theory, we aim to provide the most insightful analysis of US and world events. And we hope to broaden the scope of our work through this year’s subscription campaign by...
Brazilian social movements reject police repression in Mexico On Wednesday, September 2, there were simultaneous protests outside the Mexican consulates in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
Movimentos sociais brasileiros repudiam repressão policial no México Na tarde desta quarta-feira (02/09), foram realizados atos simultâneos em frente aos consulados mexicanos de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro.
Canada: Defeat Harper, Vote NDP, Fight for Socialism Millions of workers and youth are looking for a way to overthrow the Harper Conservatives. After almost 10 years in power, the Tories are being dragged down by corruption, secrecy, vindictiveness and now they are presiding over a new recession. The key question is: how can we get rid of this capitalist government?
Police repression in Mexico City - IMT members injured On August 26, after the end of the demonstration for the 43 Ayotzinapa students disappeared by the state 11 months ago, the Mexico City police attacked a group of activists on their way home, injuring several of them. Amongst them were mothers of the Ayotzinapa students as well as leading members of La Izquierda Socialista (IMT) and the CLEP (Polytechnic Students Struggle Committee).