
Una victoria contundente de la MUD el próximo domingo, obteniendo la mayoría de las gobernaciones del país, incluyendo aquellos estados que contienen los principales centros urbanos de la nación, sería un golpe nefasto para la revolución, que sentaría las bases para una nueva ofensiva violenta de la contrarrevolución con miras a derrocar al gobierno y aplastar a la revolución. Los marxistas de Lucha de Clases nos oponemos totalmente a ello, por lo que llamamos una vez más a las masas a votar contra los candidatos de la contrarrevolución y el imperialismo.

Donald Trump has promised "fire and fury like the world has never seen" and will not rule out a first strike against nuclear-armed North Korea.

The fascist bourgeois opposition, with the support of North American and European imperialism, threatens to crush the Venezuelan revolution and to wreck its achievements. The fascist attacks, in working-class neighbourhoods and against Chavista, are a taste of what is to come if the opposition takes power. This ultra-reactionary opposition must be defeated now, and only the workers’ revolutionary initiative can achieve this.

En una demostración sin precedentes los trabajadores y sectores populares venezolanos, expresaron como nunca antes las reservas revolucionarias que anidan en ellos. 

Con un resultado de 8.089.000-votantes que dijeron sí a la Asamblea Constituyente, la misma vuelve a darle un respiro a la revolución, ante el cerco que hace años sostienen los capitalistas venezolanos y el imperialismo yanqui y europeo.

La oposición burguesa fascista, con apoyo del imperialismo norteamericano y europeo, amenaza con aplastar la revolución venezolana y destruir sus conquistas. Los ataques fascistas en los barrios obreros y contra todos los chavistas son una demostración de lo que vendrá si la oposición toma el poder. Estos preparan un baño de sangre. Esa oposición ultrarreacionaria tiene que ser derrotada ahora, lo que sólo la iniciativa revolucionaria de los trabajadores puede hacer.

Even before the National Election Council had announced the results of Sunday’s Constituent Assembly elections in Venezuela, the opposition and western imperialism had already declared there had been massive fraud and that they would not recognise the legitimacy of the Assembly. Since then, they have piled up pressure on all fronts. What is to be done?

The Venezuelan opposition, backed by Washington and Madrid, has launched an all out offensive to prevent Sunday's Constituent Assembly elections form going ahead. We stand firmly against this reactionary attempt which can only be defeated by revolutionary means.

Venezuela’s reactionary opposition had put all their weight behind a “consultation” which was supposed to show that an overwhelming majority of Venezuelans not only reject Maduro’s proposed Constituent Assembly, but also want the Army to intervene and the formation of a “national unity government”. Their mobilisation on the day was sizeable, but fell far short of their own expectations. The real news was the massive turnout, on the same day, for the official dry run of the Constituent Assembly elections, which was a show of strength for Chavismo

The Venezuelan opposition is stepping up its campaign with a “sovereign consultation” on Sunday July 16. The three questions asked in this consultation are about the legitimacy of the Constituent Assembly the government has called for, the need for the armed forces to intervene and remove the government and the formation of a so-called “government of national unity”. The opposition has announced that the consultation on July 16 will be the “zero hour” for a national, permanent and open ended “trancazo” (road blockades), until the “fall of the dictatorship”.

Oscar Alberto Perez

Le cose in Venezuela cambiano giornalmente, a volte di ora in ora. Ieri, 27 giugno, un ufficiale di polizia ha preso il controllo di un elicottero e ha attaccato gli edifici del Ministero dell’Interno, della Giustizia e della Corte Suprema, trasmettendo allo stesso tempo un appello perché altri si unissero per rovesciare il governo di Maduro.

Oscar Alberto Perez

Las cosas en Venezuela están cambiando día a día, a veces cada hora. Ayer, 27 de junio, un oficial de policía se hizo con un helicóptero y atacó los edificios del Ministerio del Interior y Justicia y de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, al mismo tiempo que hacía un llamamiento para que otros se unieran y derrocaran al gobierno de Maduro.

Oscar Alberto Perez

As coisas na Venezuela mudam de um dia para o outro; às vezes, de uma hora para outra. Dia 27 de junho, um oficial de polícia se apossou de um helicóptero e atacou os prédios do Ministério do Interior e Justiça e da Suprema Corte de Justiça, enquanto transmitia um apelo para que outros se juntassem a ele e derrubassem o governo de Maduro.

Oscar Alberto Perez

En la tarde de ayer, un grupo de efectivos del Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalísticas (CICPC), llevó a cabo una intentona golpista en la ciudad de Caracas, a fin de tratar de impulsar una sublevación general de un sector de las FANB contra el gobierno.

Oscar Alberto Perez

Things in Venezuela are changing by the day, sometimes by the hour. Yesterday, June 27, a police officer commandeered a helicopter and attacked the buildings of the Ministry of Interior and Justice and the Supreme Court of Justice, at the same time broadcasting an appeal for others to join in and overthrow the government of Maduro.