Joe Biden: The Fossil Fuel President For months, the bourgeois press has gushed over Joe Biden’s supposedly progressive climate plans. A headline in the New York Times tells us, “Biden Plans to Move Fast with a ‘Climate Administration.’” The article goes on to paint a glowing picture of a visionary “Climate President” boldly changing course after four years of Trump’s climate denial and environmental rollbacks. Taking the Biden campaign at face value, many climate ...
Upcoming online event: after the 2020 elections – preparing for the American socialist revolution! Joe Biden has been named president-elect, though Donald Trump is still refusing to concede. What will the 2020 election results mean for the US working class? What should socialists be doing in the aftermath? Join our US comrades at Socialist Revolution for a two-day online event, providing a Marxist analysis of the elections and the path to revolution in the USA. International participants welcome! Register now using the form on this page or by visiting our US comrades' registration site!
Biden’s win is no victory for the working class: the US needs a workers’ party! Joe Biden has won the 2020 presidential elections, to the delight of the establishment, and the relief of millions of ordinary Americans fed up with Donald Trump. However, US society remains polarised, and Biden represents the same bourgeois politics that led to Trump’s rise to begin with. Workers and youth need a real, class-based alternative to the rotten Democratic Party.
USA: break with the Democrats! A resolution presented to Phoenix DSA The following resolution was proposed last month by IMT supporters in the Phoenix Democratic Socialists of America. In it, they argue against so-called lesser evilism, for an immediate and total break with the Democrats, and for a mass working-class socialist party. In the context of the ongoing electoral chaos, the arguments presented are more relevant than ever.
[Video] Trump, Biden and the class divide in the USA Fred Weston, editor for, discusses the most polarised US election in living memory. With little genuine enthusiasm for Joe Biden, the highest number of people in a century turned out to essentially vote either for or against Donald Trump. At the time of writing, it appears as if Biden has narrowly scraped through to take the presidency, in an election that has thoroughly exposed the rottenness of US ‘democracy’.
Electoral chaos and the crisis of American bourgeois democracy Election night has come and gone and, as expected, there are still no clear results. The general picture is one of utter polarization, and the threat of a descent into an unholy mess of bourgeois democracy. Last night, Socialist Revolution editor John Peterson provided an analysis of where things stood one day into the post-election chaos. Also available in a podcast format at Make sure you read the US comrades' night...
Livestream: US election 2020 chaos Election night has come and gone and, as expected, there are no clear results. Trump has all but declared victory, while the Biden camp calls for patience. The general picture is one of utter polarization, and the threat of a descent into an unholy mess of bourgeois democracy. Socialist Revolution (USA) Editor John Peterson will provide an analysis of where things stand one day into the post-election chaos—coming up at around 5PM ET (10PM GMT)!
US elections 2020: the dumpster fire of American bourgeois democracy This year's US presidential elections are a repulsive demonstration of the utter bankruptcy of American bourgeois democracy, at a time of unprecedented crisis and polarisation. No matter who wins, American workers and youth lose. Given the nightmare US capitalism has foisted on the country and the entire world, what is needed above all is a mass socialist party that will fight for the interests of working people.
Lesser-evilism, Italian style – and how it destroyed the left Fred Weston, editor for, explains how the Italian left wrecked itself on the rocks of 'lesser-evilism', starting in the 1970s. With early voting for the US elections underway, and huge pressure on the left to vote for Joe Biden in order to kick out Donald Trump, there are valuable lessons to be learned from the Italian experience.
[Video] Trump’s COVID crisis Alan Woods – editor of In Defence of Marxism – comments on the situation in the USA, where it was announced last week that President Donald Trump has contracted COVID-19, amidst a farcical presidential election and the greatest crisis in the history of US capitalism.
USA: capitalist horror in immigrant concentration camps Last week, revelations from a nurse employed at an immigrant jail regarding the forced sterilization of women in US federal custody spread like wildfire. The nurse-turned-whistleblower revealed that immigrant women were receiving hysterectomies and other gynecological procedures without the proper informed consent, while imprisoned in a privately run Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) jail.
Assange’s extradition hearing is a farce: defend freedom of speech! After much delay due to COVID-19 restrictions, Julian Assange’s extradition hearing resumed on 7 September in the Old Bailey, London. Assange has remained in solitary confinement in the high security Belmarsh Prison since he was forcibly removed from the Ecuadorian embassy on 11 April 2019.
United States: Election 2020 – The Socialist Case Against “Lesser-Evil” Politics 2020 has been a momentous year—a petri dish of capitalist chaos and instability not seen in generations. Tens of millions of American workers have been pushed off the cliff of a devastating economic meltdown and subjected to a criminally mishandled global pandemic. Sociopathic cops have been unleashed against ...
United States: School Teachers – Strike for Our Lives Against Disaster Capitalism! Despite record-breaking highs of COVID-19 new cases this summer, Donald Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos have pushed hard for schools to reopen in person this fall.
Social media purges of left-wing groups intensify The censorship of social media accounts of left-wing groups has continued, with Facebook recently removing and restricting US anarchist and antifascist pages. This is part of a pattern, which has seen similar moves by other social media platforms. These purges demonstrate whose side these huge corporations stand on, and why we must fight for public control and ownership of social media.