
Between 24 and 27 July, more than 2,800 Marxists from over 50 countries around the world gathered online for the World Congress of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT). This congress had originally been scheduled to take place in 2020, but was cut across by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year May Day has been marked amidst the spiralling barbarism caused by the ruling class’ handling of the pandemic and the crisis of capitalism. A massive, subterranean build–up of anger has taken place worldwide, yet the reformist workers’ leaders in many countries used the pandemic as an excuse to call off May Day rallies. Indeed, many of the same leaders have used the pandemic to champion ‘national unity’ and hold back the workers’ struggles throughout the last year. Nevertheless, wherever it was possible to do so, comrades of the International Marxist Tendency participated in May Day protests worldwide.

Supporters of the International Marxist Tendency are mobilising all over the world for May Day, raising the banner of revolution and international socialism, as the only solution to capitalist barbarism and the horrors of the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow our activities on social media (#MayDayIMT, #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite) and come and meet us where you are!

To celebrate 1 May, supporters of the International Marxist Tendency will mobilise globally for May Day events and demonstrations. You can follow our activities on social media (#MayDayIMT, #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite), and join us in agitating for a revolutionary socialist solution to the pandemic and capitalist barbarism. Long live the working class! Join us for May Day!

Over the weekend of 9-11 April 2021, Der Funke, the German section of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), held its national congress. We intently discussed the perspectives for the class struggle, and the tasks facing our revolutionary organisation. Although circumstances meant the congress had to take place online, the mood was militant and enthusiastic.

Last Saturday, hundreds of activists from across the world met online for the philosophy day school – hosted by Socialist Appeal, the Marxist tendency in Britain – to discuss the revolutionary ideas of Marxism: the only ideas that can help us to understand the world – in order to change it.

On 10 April, the Marxist tendency in Britain, Socialist Appeal, will host a day-long event on the revolutionary philosophy of Marxism. The day will feature talks on ‘Materialism and Knowledge: Can we understand the world as it really is?’ with Alan Woods; ‘Marxism v Postmodernism: Is progress possible?’ with Hamid Alizadeh; and ‘Is Marxism Fatalistic?’, with Daniel Morley. All are welcome: register for free here!

On 11 March 2021, the Leon Trotsky House Museum held an online event to celebrate the 95th birthday of Esteban Volkov, grandson of Leon Trotsky, and lifelong defender of the historical truth of the life and work of the great revolutionary. We provide our readers with a recording of the tribute to Esteban Volkov by Alan Woods, editor of In Defence of Marxism, at that event including English subtitles.

Image: Wellred Books

On 18 March, the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Paris Commune, Wellred Books launched its latest title: The Civil War in France by Karl Marx. With over 350 people from 37 countries registering, over 150 people attended our first online book launch, which was simultaneously live-streamed to YouTube and Facebook.

Last weekend, hundreds of activists met for the most successful Socialist Appeal conference ever. From the high political level of the discussions, to the huge amount of money raised, to the enthusiasm on display: this was a truly inspiring event.

On 11 March 2021, the Leon Trotsky House Museum held an online event to celebrate the 95th birthday of Esteban Volkov, Leon Trotsky’s grandson and lifelong defender of the historical truth of the life and work of the great revolutionary. Hundreds of people from around the world followed the event, which consisted of three separate panels of individuals associated with Esteban Volkov and the Trotsky museum.

On the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Paris Commune, join Wellred Books as we launch our latest title The Civil War in France by Karl Marx. Today, at 6pm GMT, Jules Legendre, a leading activist from Révolution – the IMT in France, will explain these inspiring events and draw out the lessons revolutionaries must take from the first time the working class took power. Register for free here!