
The result of the European elections and the dissolution of the National Assembly have acted like a catalyst on the political situation in France. That which was latent and maturing slowly has suddenly come to fruition.

Both Sunak and Starmer are offering the same austerity, crisis, and war that Britain has been gripped by for over a decade. Rob Sewell, editor of The Communist, explains here why you should become a communist if you wish to truly transform society.

After a fantastic week of revolutionary ideas and inspirational reports from all over the world; following many months of preparation by thousands of comrades in dozens of countries; the founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI) concluded with a unanimous vote to launch this new International. But this is just the beginning. We are building the worldwide party of revolutionary communism and we need your help. Join the newly-founded RCI, study the genuine ideas of Marxism, and help us fight for revolution in our lifetimes!

Whilst hundreds of delegates from 37 countries were participating in the fifth day of the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI), we received the shocking news that a government crackdown was underway in Pakistan-held Kashmir against the leaders of the movement that had scored victory against the regime in the fight against electricity and flour price hikes. The delegates, outraged by this news, passed the following motion in condemnation of the government and solidarity with the movement and its persecuted leaders in a unanimous vote.

We are now half way through the founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI). And at this point we can say with confidence that we are building on a foundation of solid granite: the revolutionary ideas of Marxism; and the Bolshevik attitude of dedication shared by all our comrades! At the end of the third day, comrades across the International demonstrated their determination to build this historically necessary instrument of world revolution with an astonishing collection that raised €474,000, smashing our target. With half of the conference to go, you can still sign up to participate in the rest!

Over 500 communists from every corner of the globe gathered for the first day of the founding conference of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI), with 7,160 more having signed up to watch online so far. The atmosphere was electric as comrades discussed the class struggle on every continent, with a focus on the central task of the RCI in its founding week: recruiting and training communists for the coming revolution. If you haven’t yet registered to watch the founding conference, you can still do so: sign up now!

On the opening day of the founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist International, we were proud to receive fraternal greetings from comrade Ivan Pinheiro, the historical leader of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), and member of the Central Committee of the newly founded Brazilian Revolutionary Communist Party (PCBR).

The recent general elections in India have exposed the rottenness of the whole political edifice in the country. Almost all the parties involved have been revealed as bankrupt, with diminishing authority, and having nothing to offer the toiling masses. But Modi’s ruling BJP, which was once considered invincible, came out the biggest loser.

The European elections in France swept away the parliamentary house of cards on which Macron’s government rested. The polls were a clear debacle for the government. Against a backdrop of massive abstention, the right-wing National Rally (RN) list received 31.5 percent of the votes, compared to less than half that for Macron’s list (14.6 percent). Exposed to the high risk of a no confidence vote, Macron preferred to take the lead and announce the dissolution of the National Assembly, in which he has not had an absolute majority since June 2022, triggering snap legislative elections. 

The Morning Star, the political mouthpiece of the Communist Party of Britain, is praising and promoting two new books analysing China, China’s Great Roadby John Ross, and The East is Still Redby Carlos Martinez. As you can tell from the titles, both books present the modern day Chinese economy and Communist Party as genuinely Marxist, which in their eyes obliges all communists to actively support them. Both books argue that China is blazing a trail towards socialism and ultimately communism. 

In five days, the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI) will be founded. If you have not done so already, sign up here to participate in this historic event online. This new International will be a fighting organisation from the first day. And as Cicero once said, finances are the sinews of war. We therefore appeal to all those who want to see an end to capitalism to donate and strengthen the forces of genuine communism across the world by donating to the first historic fighting fund collection of the RCI.