Britain: capitalism’s cold calculus – their profits or your life An open split has emerged within the Tories, between those who are desperate for business to return to normal; and those who are terrified of the backlash if private wealth is put above public health. We must fight to put lives before profits. Originally published 7 April.
France: Macron’s speech – ending the lockdown on profits Macron’s latest speech has confirmed what we already knew: that his priority is not to save as many human lives as possible, but to safeguard the profits of the capitalists. The measures he announced during his speech on Monday are motivated solely by the defence of the material interests of the ruling class. The MEDEF (the bosses’ organisation) was surely satisfied.
[Video] COVID-19 and capitalism's deepest-ever crisis Watch Fred Weston (editor of discussing the world situation as the coronavirus pandemic rages on. While the bourgeois are trying to blame the current social and economic turmoil on the virus alone, it was in fact just the trigger for a crisis prepared in the last period. This video was recorded during an internal meeting of the IMT in Britain.
Labour, COVID-19 and the fiction of national unity The media, bourgeois and reformist leaders have all been whipping up a “wartime” spirit of national unity against the threat of COVID-19. Recently elected leader of the British Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer, has even made overtures about joining a government of national unity with the Conservatives. But the coronavirus pandemic is exposing the class lines in society more than ever. National unity is a reactionary fiction. What is needed is workers’ unity in the face of this crisis, and against the rotten system responsible.
Bangladesh: textile workers risk infection to fight exploitation In the last week, over 20,000 workers took to the streets of Bangladesh to demand their wages after clothes factories stopped paying their staff due to a lack of orders. With the global coronavirus pandemic causing fashion retailers such as H&M, Walmart and Tesco to cancel their orders, many workers in Bangladeshi factories have gone up to two months without receiving any income. Now, in defiance of the nationwide lockdown, workers have organised massive protests demanding their money and risking infection to fight the bosses.
[Video] Coronavirus and the Indian subcontinent – a living nightmare Watch our live interview with Adam Pal, the editor of Lal Salaam (the IMT's journal in Pakistan) speaking about the coronavirus pandemic and the political situation in Pakistan and India.
Pandemic and economic crisis in Latin America: let’s prepare for the future! The COVID-19 pandemic has created one disaster after another in Latin America, exposing the naked contempt of the ruling class for the workers of the region. But with the memory of Red October still fresh, this explosive new development is preparing revolutionary upheaval in the near future.
India: the struggle of Coimbatore sanitation workers The 73 years that have passed since the transfer of power from British India to the native ruling classes of the Indian subcontinent has not alleviated the dire poverty, misery and exploitation of the vast masses of populace, and in particular the sanitation workers.
Coronavirus in Africa: kick out imperialism! The coronavirus pandemic is a turning point in history. The world economy is receiving one savage blow after another. Healthcare systems are totally overwhelmed in the advanced capitalist countries as a result of decades of attacks on living standards. The inefficient and ghastly nature of capitalism is in full display in the west, where people until recently enjoyed at least a semi-civilised existence. In Africa, Asia and Latin America the consequences of a full-scale outbreak will be catastrophic.
The impact on Nigeria of the coronavirus pandemic: socioeconomic pandemonium! It would be hell if the Covid-19 breaks out in Nigeria on the scale presently being witnessed in Europe and the US. Apart from the dire state of the healthcare system, 69 million Nigerians have no access to clean water. This invariably leads to water-borne diseases like cholera, which continue to break out as regular epidemics. Social distancing and self-isolation presuppose that people have enough space. In Lagos where we have over 100 slum areas, about 80 people can be found sharing a 10-room building with only two toilets and a bathroom being shared by all with no pipe-borne or treated water readily available.
Britain: Labour leaked report – drain the cesspit! A recently leaked report on the shenanigans of officials at Labour HQ reveals a cesspit of bullying and bureaucracy, designed explictly to undermine the Corbyn movement. Labour activists must organise and fight. Sign the open letter: demand justice! Kick out the saboteurs!
[Video] Britain: sweep out the saboteurs! Watch our latest episode of Marxist Voice, where Rob Sewell (editor of the British Marxist paper Socialist Appeal) discusses the explosive revelations surrounding Blairite sabotage against the Corbyn movement.
Marxism on the march! The ongoing crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the world political situation. In Defence of Marxism has risen to the occasion, stepping up our coverage and our activities. The big response we've received from our readers show that the ideas of Marxism are more relevant than ever. Read and share our coverage, and donate to our financial appeal, to educate yourself and help build our forces for the battles to come!
USA: a revolutionary appeal to Bernie supporters – don’t mourn, organise! Bernie Sanders is out of the race. This is a punch to the gut for millions of people who hoped his campaign would offer a way forward—a way to fight against the billionaires who rule the US. But it’s also a turning point. For millions, this will be the last straw. This will be the last time they try to work within the two-party system of the capitalists.
Great response to “appeal to the workers of the world” Our Italian comrades’ recent appeal (which we republish below), has so far had a great impact and we have received hundreds of signatures from youth and worker activists from across the world. We are publishing their names here. If you have not signed yet, please do so here!