Swaziland Solidarity Update - Swazi Monarch steps up repression


Receive revolutionary greetings from the oppressed and suffering people of Swaziland. I am sure you are aware that the absolute monarch of our country has in the last months launched a major attack on rural communities which resisted the imposition of his senior brother as their chiefs.

As I am speaking to you about 2000 people from rural communities were evicted from the said area called Macetjeni and Kamkhweli. Their homes were recklessly demolished by the royal police at night and they were forced to flee to different areas for refuge, which a majority of them has sought refuge in South Africa.

This brutal action by the King has sparked major ceaseless protests in the country which has broaden its demand to also demand for the repeal of the 1973 royal decree which bans political parties and all forms of political activity. This protest has led to the government banning all meetings in the country be it workers, teachers, students, youth and community meetings. All University campuses and colleges are currently closed because students as well took into the streets against the action of the King.

Three members of the Peoples United Democratic Movement [PUDEMO] are in jail now and they are being tortured by state police. The electronic media has been banned as well from running any interview neither is it allowed to visit the demolished homes of the 200 families. The area where the evictions has taken place has been turned into an army barrack and royal police are now reportedly abusing children in that area.

We are really suffering in our own country, students have been denied to write their final exams; their parents have been forced into exile into their own country just because they resisted the Kings imposition of his senior brother. The two chiefs of the regions where the King's brother was imposed have also resisted the imposition and they were also deported from that area; and are also exiled in South Africa.

Thank you for your endless spirit of Solidarity.

By P.L.

Messages of solidarity to:

Swaziland Solidarity Network
Tel: + 27 11 339 3633/22 Fax: + 27 11 339 6680
7th floor-SSN Office - COSATU House
e-mail: sacp1@sn.apc.org


Messages of protest to:
Primer Minister of Swaziland
Mr Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini
PO Box 395
email: pmppcu@realnet.co.sz

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