Revolução e Lutas pelo Controle Operário Portuguese translation of Revolution and the Struggle for Workers' Control by Rob Sewell (December 23, 2005)
Dinamarca: ¿Un remoto país norteño de cuentos de hadas? Spanish translation of Denmark - a faraway northern fairytale country? by Marie Frederiksen in Denmark (February 15, 2006)
Ein perfekter Kreislauf German translation of The perfect circle of success by Michael Roberts (February 10, 2006)
El parlamento británico discute la solidaridad con Venezuela Spanish translation of British Parliament to discuss solidarity with Venezuela (February 16, 2006)
Il mondo islamico scosso dalle proteste - Chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta Italian translation of Islamic world up in arms - Sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind by Maarten Vanheuverswyn (February 7, 2006)
Elecciones en Haití - El resultado se decidirá en las calles Spanish translation of Haiti elections – the outcome will be decided on the streets by Rob Lyon (February 14, 2006)
Entrevista con Alan Woods en el diario cubano Granma - Guerras y terrorismo: síntomas del descalabro del capitalismo Reproducimos a continuación la entrevista que ha publicado 13 de febrero el diario cubano Granma con el teórico marxista británico Alan Woods, coautor junto a Ted Grant de Razón y Revolución.
Alan Woods se reúne con investigadores cubanos Spanish translation of Cuban researchers meet Alan Woods (February 13, 2006)
Economía: El círculo perfecto del éxito Spanish translation of The perfect circle of success by Michael Roberts (February 10, 2006)
El mundo islámico encolerizado - Sembrando vientos y recogiendo tempestades Spanish translation of Islamic world up in arms - Sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind by Maarten Vanheuverswyn (February 7, 2006)
Campaña "Manos Fuera de Venezuela" responde al ataque de Blair contra Venezuela Spanish translation of Blair sides with bosses in attacking Venezuela by Rob Sewell
Venezuela: La marea roja protagoniza histórica marcha en Caracas Spanish original version of Venezuela: Historic demonstration in Caracas commemorating the 7th anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution (January 8, 2006)
Chavez: "Socialismo o morte, non abbiamo molto tempo" Italian translation of “Socialism or death!” “Time is short”, states Chavez by Rob Sewell (February 2, 2006)
Der Karikaturenstreit – Wer Wind sät, wird einen Wirbelsturm ernten German translation of Islamic world up in arms - Sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind by Maarten Vanheuverswyn (February 7, 2006)
Israel: El giro del Partido Laborista refleja la creciente polarización de clase Spanish translation of Israel: the shift in the Labour Party reflects growing class polarization by Yossi Schwartz in Israel (January 27, 2005)