The Vietnam War: eye-opening documentary shows full horror of imperialism The Vietnam War - a 17-hour US documentary spread over ten episodes, recently broadcast in Britain in a truncated form on the BBC - may well be the best such film yet produced on this still-controversial subject.
Nepal: reunión histórica de la CMI en Katmandú Fue un gran éxito la primera reunión pública celebrada por la CMI en Katmandú - Nepal. A pesar de estar en el medio de la campaña electoral, la reunión sobre las lecciones de la Revolución de Octubre atrajo a 100 activistas comunistas, incluidos los principales miembros del Partido Maoísta y a jóvenes comunistas. A la reunión también asistió el camarada Gopal Kriti, un veterano activista de la clase trabajadora y miembro del Comité Ejecutivo del Partido Maoísta: una partido de masas en Nepal. La reunión se celebró en la sala de reuniones del Colegio de Abogados de Katmandú y fue dirigida por el camarada Yug Pathak, un periodista comunista; y el escritor y camarada Rob Sewell de la...
¿Hacia dónde va China: de regreso a la economía planificada o al fortalecimiento del capitalismo? En el reciente decimonoveno Congreso del Partido Comunista Chino, celebrado del 18 al 24 de octubre en Beijing, Xi Jinping aprovechó la oportunidad para hacerle saber al mundo que China es una "fuerza poderosa" que pronto recuperará su posición legítima, como el "Reino Medio", es decir, el centro de la humanidad. Sin embargo, detrás de todas las fanfarronadas, uno podría detectar inquietud ante la perspectiva de una creciente inestabilidad interna que fluye de la inminente crisis del capitalismo.
Nepal: Historic IMT meeting in Kathmandu The first ever public meeting held by the IMT in Kathmandu Nepal was a great success. Despite being in the middle of the election campaign, the meeting on the lessons of the October Revolution attracted 100 communist activists, including leading members of the Maoist party and the Young Communists. The meeting was also attended by comrade Gopal Kriti, who is a working-class veteran activist and member of the Executive Committee of the Maoist party: a mass party in Nepal. The meeting was held in the meeting hall of the Law College in Kathmandu and was addressed by comrade Yug Pathak, a communist journalist; and author and comrade Rob Sewell from the IMT.
Where is China going: back to the planned economy or strengthening capitalism? At the recent 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, held on 18-24 October in Beijing, Xi Jinping took the opportunity to let the world know that China is a “mighty force” soon to reclaim its rightful position as the “Middle Kingdom”, i.e. the centre of humanity. Behind all the bluster, however, one could detect unease at the prospect of growing internal instability that flows from the impending crisis of capitalism.
India: Justice for worker killed by Pricol company! We publish the following report and appeal for solidarity by a comrade from Socialist Voice, Coimbatore, regading a recent tragedy at a car manufactuing company in Tamil Nadu and an ongoing struggle by unionised workers...
Gandhi: los mitos detrás del Mahatma Mahatma Gandhi, la figura destacada de la campaña nacionalista india contra el dominio colonial británico en la India, es conocida por la mayoría como un antiimperialista, cuyos métodos pacíficos, no violentos, ayudaron a derrocar el dominio británico. Este mito ha sido perpetuado por muchos. La verdad, sin embargo, es que traicionó a aquellos a los que inspiró en la campaña de independencia, defendió abiertamente los intereses imperialistas británicos, consolidó las desigualdades existentes, incluyendo la discriminación de castas, raciales y de género y, en última instancia, su papel ayudó a la desastrosa separación de la India con Pakistán.
Japan’s snap election: what is behind Abe’s move? While the mainstream media remains silent about the recent political developments in Tokyo, the more serious press, which serves as a bulletin for the capitalist class internationally, describes a real political earthquake taking place in Japan.
Indian Independence: A Revolution lost In this article we summarise British rule in India and examine the main and most influential political characters, which eventually led to India being broken up, at Partition as it became known. Partition could have been avoided had it not been for the failure of the Communist Party of India (CPI) to provide the revolutionary leadership required. Partition, which was the final outcome of British imperialism’ manoeuvres, led to an immense bloodbath, a historical crime against the peoples of the subcontinent.
The Rohingya crisis and the real face of liberalism Thousands have been killed and hundreds of thousands of defenceless Rohingya Muslims are fleeing the brutal onslaught of Myanmar's armed forces. In the middle of all this, we have the western media’s darling “democrat” and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi.
Kashmir: Founding Convention of Progressive Youth Alliance. A new beginning. On August 18th the Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA) organised its founding convention at Hill Top hall in Rawlakot, Kashmir. More than 450 students participated and the revolutionary spirit ran high. More than 100 students had come from cities across Pakistan to attend this historic beginning, while other participants were students from various educational institutes of Pakistani-occupied Kashmir.
Gandhi: the myths behind the Mahatma Mahatma Gandhi, the defining figure of the Indian nationalist campaign against British colonial rule in India, is known by most as an anti-imperialist, whose peaceful non-violent methods helped to overthrow British rule. This myth has been perpetuated by many. The truth, however, is that he betrayed as many as he inspired in the independence campaign, stood wholeheartedly with British imperialist interests, consolidated existing inequalities including caste, racial, and gender discrimination, and ultimately his role helped lead to the calamitous disaster of partition.
Fire and Fury: the legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Donald Trump’s latest threat, that North Korea would face “fire and fury like the world has never seen” if Kim Jong-Un’s regime persists in its aggressive rhetoric has sparked a frenzy of fear and speculation in the media over the possibility of this war of words turning into a full-fledged nuclear conflict.
The XuZhou Bombing: China's Choice Between Socialism and Barbarism On the afternoon of Thursday, June 15th local time, an explosion ravaged a nursery in XuZhou city, Jiangsu Province, causing massive deaths, injuries, and damages. The latest official police reports states that 8 people have died and 65 were injured, although many Chinese netizens suspect that this is an understated figure given the photos that were leaked to Chinese internet at the onset of the explosion, which were later removed at the direction of the government.
Pakistan: Young revolutionaries keep the struggle of Mashal Khan alive The Progressive Youth Alliance is organizing students across Pakistan, to keep alive the struggle of Mashal Khan and fight for the basic rights of students.