Het wereldkapitalisme in crisis - Deel 2 Dutch translation of World capitalism in crisis – Part Two (September 26, 2008)
2008 Wereldcongres van de Internationale Marxistische Tendens Dutch translation of 2008 World Congress of the International Marxist Tendency (September 4, 2008)
Het wereldkapitalisme in crisis - Deel 1 Dutch translation of World capitalism in crisis – Part One (September 26, 2008)
Socialisme voor de rijken, kapitalisme voor de armen Dutch translation of Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor (September 22, 2008)
USA: Socialism – Change We Can Actually Believe In Dutch translation of USA: Socialism – Change We Can Actually Believe In (September 1, 2008)
Bolivia’s herroepingsreferendum: grote steun voor verandering, tijd om vooruit te gaan! Dutch translation of Bolivia’s recall referendum, massive support for change – time to move forward! (August 14, 2008)
Na de dood van Tirofijo: vooruitzichten voor Colombia Dutch translation of After the death of “Tirofijo”: perspectives for the FARC and the class struggle in Colombia (June 23, 2008)
El Salvador: BPJ stemt voor toetreding tot de IMT op hun derde nationale congres Dutch translation of El Salvador: Peoples’ Youth Block votes to join IMT at its third national congress (June 17, 2008)
De hogepriesters van de Europese Centrale Bank Dutch translation of The high priests of the European Central Bank (April 4, 2008)
Balans van het congres van de PSUV Dutch translation of Balance sheet of the PSUV congress: the Bolivarian masses are pushing for revolutionary action (March 10, 2008)
Internationale oproep: No Blood for Oil! Internationale troepen uit Tsjaad! Dutch translation of International Appeal: No Blood for Oil! International Troops out of Chad! (February 8, 2008)
Verkiezingen in Pakistan: de moeder van alle fraudes Dutch translation of Pakistan elections: The Mother of all Frauds (February 19, 2008)
Oproep voor drie socialistische kandidaten in Pakistan Dutch translation of Elections in Pakistan 2008 - Support socialist candidates (February 1, 2008)
Pakistan: “Als het regime probeert de verkiezingen te manipuleren, komt er een sociale explosie.” Dutch translation of Pakistan: "If the regime tries to rig the elections, there will be a social explosion" (January 24, 2008)
Fascistische MQM tracht Pakistaanse massabeweging te saboteren met bomaanslag Dutch translation of Bomb Blast in Karachi – Fascist MQM tries to sabotage the mass movement (January 16, 2008)