
On hearing of the proposed expulsions from the SUF in Denmark, Claudio Bellotti, a member of the National Executive of Rifondazione Comunista in Italy, wrote to the leaders of the SUF calling on them to guarantee a democratic procedure and abandon bureaucratic methods.

Last week a special conference of the SUF was held where 26 Marxists were expelled. It was clear that the reformist wing of the SUF could not tolerate the growing influence of Marxist ideas within the SUF. A Left Opposition has now been launched to win the SUF back to its founding ideas of revolutionary socialism.

Socialistisk Standpunkt,the Marxist tendency in Denmark is being threatened with expulsion from the SUF (the Socialistisk UngdomsFront). The reason is very clear: the influence of the genuine ideas of Marxism has been growing for some time within the SUF. Not able to answer the political arguments of the Marxists, the leadership of the SUF is now trying to remove them bureaucratically. Please add your name to the protest against the threatened expulsions.

Copenhagen erupted over the weekend as a series of demonstrations against the tearing down of the Youth House turned violent. Similar to events in France in 2005, however, what the riots reflect is the accumulated anger of thousands of people, caused by a capitalist system completely incapable of providing a future for workers and youth.

A massive protest movement against cuts to municipal budgets shook Denmark in September and October. Although the movement has entered a lull this does not mean the end of the struggle. The ground is being prepared for another major explosion of the class struggle in Denmark

The Marxist tendency in the Danish labour movement, that publishes the journal Socialistisk Standpunkt, recently came under attack. An attempt was mounted to expel its supporters from the Socialist Youth Front (SUF), an attempt which failed. It reveals the growing influence of the Marxists in Denmark.

The Marxists successfully intervened in May Day, selling political material and celebrating the publication of The Revolution Betrayedin Danish as well as the new internet archive of Marxist classics in Danish,

The Danish government rest on the support of extreme right-wing parties. The government has promoted a series of anti-working class legislation, while hiding behind racist propaganda, including blatant anti-Islamic rhetoric. Denmark is not a fairy tale country but one where the mailed fist of capital is being used against the workers.

Danish and Iranian labour movement activists picket the Iranian Embassy in Denmark protesting against the repression of workers in Iran. This was part of the “The Workers of Iran Are Not Alone” campaign.

After some delay, we are publishing this report on Bush's visit to Denmark, which was met by massive protests. At 2 o’clock on Wednesday July 6, in the middle of the holiday, a large demonstration of about 20,000 people gathered in front of the American embassy.