Farcen om den irakiske “magtoverdragelse” Danish translation of The farce of the Iraqi “handover” By Alan Woods (June 28, 2004)
De socialistiske traditioner lever i Irak Danish translation of "The Iraqi Communist tradition is still alive" By Roberto Sarti. (June 23, 2003)
Lenin – Om det nationale spørgsmål Danish translation of Lenin on the National Question By Rob Sewell (June 2004)
Møder med Hugo Chavez Danish translation of Encounters with Hugo Chavez By Alan Woods (April 29, 2004)
Falluja: det 21. århundredes Guernica Danish translation of "Fallujah marks a turning point: A Guernica of the 21st century" by Alan Woods (April 29, 2004)
Venezuela 2 år efter kuppet: Udvid revolutionen, fremad mod socialisme Danish translation of "Venezuela two years after the coup: Deepen the revolution, advance towards socialism" By Jorge Martin (April 27, 2004)
Revolutionen i Venezuela er i fare! Danish translation of Faced with reactionary danger the Venezuelan Revolution must advance towards socialism (February 25, 2004)
Cuba: Henrettelser og undertrykkelse – fra et klasseperspektiv Danish translation of Cuba: Executions and repression - a class point of view By Alan Woods and Roberto Sarti (May 13, 2003)
Irak: USA sidder fast i sumpen Danish translation of "The Iraqi quagmire" By Fred Weston (November 18, 2003)
Læren af Chile 1973 - Del 2 Danish translation of "Lessons of Chile 1973" By Alan Woods (January 1979)
Læren af Chile 1973 - Del 1 Danish translation of "Lessons of Chile 1973" By Alan Woods (January 1979)
Bolivia - Masseopstand vælter præsidenten Danish translation of "Bolivia: a mass insurrection overthrows the president" By Jorge Martín (October 18, 2003)
Venezuela: revolutionen trues af økonomisk sabotage Danish translation of "Venezuela: the revolution faced with economic sabotage" By Miguel Campos (June 28, 2003)
Verden efter krigen i Irak Danish translation of "The world after the war in Iraq" By Alan Woods (May 6, 2003)