Britain: back to ‘business as usual’ – is austerity over? It is undeniable that the pandemic has hammered the final nail into the coffin of the previous epoch. But jubilant claims that austerity is a thing of the past have proved premature, as the ruling class begins to wind up its COVID spending spree and resume attacks on workers. The question is, what is the character of this new period, and what will it entail for the working class?
Radicalisation of the youth leaves the ruling class fearful Young people around the world are “losing the generation game” because of the global capitalist crisis. Such is the conclusion drawn in a recent article published in the Financial Times, the mouthpiece of big business in Britain. To the ruling class’ horror, the crisis is leading to increasing radicalisation of the youth.
Britain: TUC Congress 2021 – For fighting leadership and united action! With a tsunami of austerity and attacks looming, the TUC [Trades Union Congress] is meeting this weekend to discuss the way forward for workers in Britain. The trade unions need a fighting programme, and a militant, unified resistance to the Tories and bosses.
Britain: an open letter to Labour Party branches and trade unions – Oppose the bans! Fight the purge! With Labour conference approaching, the right wing of the Labour Party in Britain are going on the offensive, expelling socialists from the party in order to crush the left. We appeal to grassroots members and affiliated unions to help us in the fight against the purge.
Britain: victory of left-winger, Sharon Graham, reflects mood of discontent in the unions Left-winger Sharon Graham has won the race to become general secretary of one of Britain’s biggest unions, Unite, which has almost 1.3 million members. She did so by appealing to rank-and-file members with a promise to defend jobs and conditions. This early tremor is a sign of the earthquakes that will shake the trade unions from top to bottom.
Afghanistan and the UK: cold reality of ‘Global Britain’ begins to bite The Western withdrawal from Afghanistan is not only a humiliation for US imperialism, but also for Brexiteer Tories, whose jingoistic delusions have been shattered. To help the Afghan masses, we must overthrow this rotten Tory government.
Britain: a reply to Starmer’s purge – the values I defend, and the values I reject British Marxist Ben Gliniecki recently received a letter of automatic exclusion from the Labour Party officialdom for the 'crime' of supporting Socialist Appeal, as part of the recent purge of left-wingers by Keir Starmer and the Blairites. We republish his reply to the Labour bureaucracy.
Britain: Marxism, the Labour Party and the witch-hunt Socialist Appeal, the Marxist voice of Labour and youth, has been expelled from the British Labour Party, with the right wing saying they are ‘alien’ and ‘toxic’ to the party’s ‘aims and values’. But Marxism has a long history in the British labour movement, and the Labour Party. This article answers the lies, smears, and slanders.
Britain: “You cannot stop an idea whose time has come” – Socialists in! Starmer out! Thousands of Labour members are set to be expelled, following a vote by the party’s ruling body today to permanently ban the British Marxists in Socialist Appeal and other left groups. But we will not be cowed by this attack. Join us in the struggle for socialism.
Britain: ‘Freedom Day’ – the Tories are gambling with our lives Whilst Tory ministers celebrate so-called ‘freedom day’, coronavirus is ripping through society, leading to mounting health problems and pressures on the overstretched NHS. Once again, the Tories and bosses are putting profits before lives.
Britain: defend Socialist Appeal! Say no to proscriptions! Fight the Labour purge! The Labour right wing are bureaucratically manoeuvring to permanently ban Socialist Appeal from the party. This scandalous political attack is the latest attempt to crush the left. Activists across the left must mobilise and fight back.
Britain: Football and racism – don’t trust the two-faced Tories A huge backlash has occurred in response to the racist abuse suffered by England’s black players. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and one of his ministers, Priti Patel, have hypocritically offered their support. It is the capitalist establishment that are responsible for racism.
Britain: after the lockdown – welcome to the new ‘normal’ The Tories have confirmed plans to lift all remaining COVID restrictions on 19 July. But society will not return to ‘normal’. The period ahead will be one of contagion, capitalist crisis, and class struggle. Workers must organise and fight back.
Greenwashing and sustainable investment: why capitalism can’t solve the climate crisis Under pressure to address the climate catastrophe, politicians and investors are cynically putting a green spin on their exploitative activities. In truth, capitalism is killing our planet. Only socialist planning can end this destruction.
Britain: Hancock goes – now give all the Tories the boot! Health secretary Matt Hancock has resigned after being embroiled in another government scandal. But his replacement, Sajid Javid, offers more of the same corruption and privatisation. We need to kick out all the Tories and fight for socialism.