
North Korea has carried out an underground nuclear test, attracting the attention of the world media and infuriating the imperialists, in particular George W Bush. What is behind this move? But more importantly, what is happening to the North Korean regime and economy? This article attempts to give some answers.

(Article originally published the 10th of october 2006)

On 22nd April, the Progressive Youth Alliance held its Lahore city-wide convention at Al Hamra Hall, dedicating the event to Mashal Khan. More than a hundred students from various universities across Lahore participated in the convention, and delegates from other cities’ universities were also present to address the convention. A new executive body was also elected. The atmosphere was one of anger, directed at the killing of Mashal Khan, a 23 year old journalism student at Abdul Wali Khan University in Mardan, who was lynched after he was falsely accused of blasphemy.

Der brutale Lynchmord an den 23jährigen Journalistik-Studenten Mashal Khan von der Wali Khan Universität in Abdul (Pakistan), der von einem fundamentalistischen Mob begangen wurde, ist ein weiteres und schockierendes Beispiel für den Terror, der gegen linke und progressive Kräfte in Pakistan verübt wird.

El brutal linchamiento de Mashal Jan, estudiante de 23 años de periodismo en la Universidad Abdul Wali Jan, a manos de una turba fundamentalista, es un nuevo e impactante ejemplo del reinado del terror que se está librando contra las fuerzas izquierdistas y progresistas en Pakistán. Incluso para los estándares bárbaros de la violencia fundamentalista, este asesinato se caracterizó por su extremo salvajismo. Arrastrado desde su habitación del albergue, Mashal Jan fue golpeado con tablones de madera antes de ser asesinado a tiros. No satisfechos con esta carnicería, esos cobardes asesinos procedieron a profanar y humillar su cadáver.

Il brutale linciaggio di Mashal Khan, uno studente di giornalismo di 23 anni nell’università Abdul Wali Khan, da un gruppo di fondamentalisti è un esempio nuovo e scioccante del regno del terrore che si sta sviluppando contro la sinistra e le forze progressiste in Pakistan. Anche per gli standard barbari della violenza fondamentalista, questo omicidio è stato caratterizzato dalla sua estrema ferocia. Trascinato fuori dalla sua camera di ostello, Mashal Khan è stato colpito con bastoni di legno prima di essere ucciso da un colpo di pistola. Non contenti di questa massacro, questi assassini codardi hanno poi proceduto a profanare e umiliare il suo corpo senza


The PYA is continuing its campaign of protests against the gruesome murder of Mashal Khan, a left wing student activist falsely accused of “blasphemy”. The IMT and In Defence of Marxism support our Pakistani comrades in this. They need financial assistance to intensify their campaigning. Please donate generously to support their efforts.

The brutal lynching of Mashal Khan, a 23 year old student of journalism in Abdul Wali Khan University, by a fundamentalist mob is a new and shocking example of the reign of terror that is being waged against left-wing and progressive forces in Pakistan. Even by the barbaric standards of fundamentalist violence, this murder was characterised by its extreme savagery. Dragged from his hostel room, Mashal Khan was battered with wooden planks before being shot dead. Not satisfied by this butchery, those cowardly murderers then proceeded to desecrate and humiliate his dead body.

On April 13, Mashal Khan, a 23 year old student of journalism in Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan was lynched by a mob. He was dragged out of his hostel room and shot at with bullets while the mob lynched him. Even after being killed, his body was desecrated and humiliated.

The China Pakistan Economic Corridor, or CPEC, has become the cornerstone of the state policy of Pakistan in recent years and all the politics and economics of the ruling class revolve around this project. The rulers are claiming that this corridor will bring prosperity and advancement in the country and that soon rivers of milk and honey will start flowing.

On 18 and 19 February a Marxist School was held in Multan. This school was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian Revolution. Young comrades from all over the country started arriving in Multan on the evening of 16 February. From Kashmir to Karachi comrades had to travel long distances amid difficult economic conditions, but they arrived with revolutionary enthusiasm. On 17 February a convention of Multan city was organized by the Progressive Youth Alliance in which all comrades participated with Bolshevik spirit. Afterwards they stayed to attend this two day national school. More than 70 comrades participated in the school. The hosts of this school made it a success despite the


On 17 February the Progressive Youth Alliance organised its city convention of Multan at the Multan Tea House hall. More than 200 students from various colleges and universities of Multan participated in this meeting.

Yesterday, two workers - Usman and Arshad - were killed and 23 others severely injured after a fire broke out at the Al Badar factory located on Sheikhupura Road near Lahore. The fire was caused by a boiler which exploded in the factory. Twelve of the injured workers are in a critical state, with more than ninety percent burns. They have, according to hospital reports, little chance of surviving.

On 2 February last year two PIA workers were killed and many injured at Karachi airport by para-military forces as they protested against privatization together with hundreds of other workers. After those killings a total stoppage of PIA operations was imposed by the workers and all domestic and international flights were cancelled for eight days.

The crisis of capitalism in the West has taken centre stage, with the spectacle of Donald Trump's election, and Brexit. China has dropped out of the limelight, for the time being retaining a degree of stability. This at least is the message the party leadership would like to present.

On 2 February, 2016, two workers of PIA were killed while dozens of other protestors were injured when paramilitary forces of the Pakistan Rangers and Sindh Police indiscriminately opened fire on a rally of hundreds of PIA workers.  These workers were protesting against the privatization of PIA being carried out under the dictates of IMF.