Brazil: internal elections in the PT - First elements of a balance sheet The Marxist Left (Esquerda Marxista) stood in the internal elections of the PT winning a sizeable vote and a position on the national leadership. This represent the willingness of thousands and thousands of workers in the ranks of the party to break with the bourgeoisie and fight for the ideas of genuine socialism.
Which Way Forward for Labor in the U.S.? Three months ago, the main labor federation in the U.S. held its national conference, electing a new leadership slate that pledged to fight for jobs, universal single payer health care, new laws to open the road to organizing the unorganized, and for an economic recovery in the interests of working people. But since September’s convention in Pittsburgh there has been no sign yet that these words will be turned into action.
Are the Super Rich the Solution? A Review of Ralph Nader's New Book Ralph Nader, a long time figure on the American left, has written a new book which typifies his basic political outlook, but also marks a new turn in the elucidation of his views.
Crime & Punishment is Big Business in the U.S. One in 31 adult citizens in the U.S. are in prison. The so called “land of the free” locks away more of its citizens than Russia or China - and the problem is getting worse.
Brazil: Marxist Left elected to the National Leadership of the PT The Marxist Left of the PT (Esquerda Marxista) stood in the PT’s internal elections, winning a sizeable vote, much increased on previous elections, winning a position on the national leadership and taking the ideas of revolutionary socialism to every corner of the party.
Meeting in Vancouver: Workers struggle in Iraq December 1, 2009 at Langara college in Vancouver Fightback, the Canadian supporters of the International Marxist Tendency organized a discussion on the workers struggle in Iraq. Akram Nadir, international representative of the Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq spoke for about half an hour about the situation facing workers in Iraq and internationally.
One Year Since Obama's Election One year ago millions of Americans, many of whom had never voted before, came out for Barack Obama, energized by his message of hope and change. Surely things would now get better! But what is the reality?
USA: Pensions Targeted While George W. Bush’s attempt at privatizing Social Security famously failed, private industry has largely been successful at shifting their group pension plans into individual private accounts. These individual accounts are almost always invested in the volatile stock market.
USA: Midwest Marxist Winter School to be Held in Minneapolis on December 13 The Workers International League will be holding a day-long Marxist School at Mayday Books in the West Bank in Minneapolis on December 13, 2009. It is free and open to the public. Come for the whole day or pick the sessions you are most interested in or able to attend.
U.S. Socialist Appeal: Issue 51 now available Starting with issue 50 Socialist Appeal has gone full color. On this occasion we have received dozens of congratulatory greetings from around the world. Issue 51 is now available. Subscribe today!
Honduran elections - Little fingers up: We didn’t vote! Because of its interest we publish this report by an Argentinean trade unionist about the reaction of the masses to the election farce in Honduras on November 29.
Honduras “election”: repression, boycott and resistance The elections called by the Honduran coup regime on November 29 saw a significant increase in abstention, despite the harsh repression by the military and the police. But the regime has not been able to crush the movement of workers, peasants and youth. On the contrary, they are now more politically aware, better organised and ready to struggle against the oligarchy.
National and International Campaign to Support the New Subway Workers Independent Union in Buenos Aires, Argentina More than a year since its formal application to the Labour Ministry, the new subway workers independent union, having not received an answer from the government, is appealing for international solidarity to demand the Labour Ministry to fulfill its administrative function to register this new, democratically created union.
Canada: Take Back the Party! - Time for New Leadership in the BC NDP Fightback has long warned that the right-ward drift of the NDP leadership in BC [British Columbia] would hurt the party in the polls. The argument is often made that in order to win over “middle of the road voters,” you have to moderate your demands and program. In fact, history has proven that this moderation only leads to disaster. What is needed is a strong socialist program to inspire the mass of the population.
Mexico: Stop the attacks against CLEP-CEDEP We republish here the appeal from the Mexican CLEP-CEDEP students that are facing a campaign of legal harassment and threats from the authorities. Five of them, all leading student activists, are facing jail sentences for the only crime of having defended free education. The authorities are accusing them on trumped up charges as a result of the students' strike to defend free education on June 4th. The legal costs involved in this campaign have already run up to 825 euros (16,000 Mexican pesos). We make an appeal to all IDOM readers to sign the protest letter, raise this issue in your organisation and ...