[Podcast] Trump's victory: What does it mean? – A communist analysis with Alan Woods

This week, Against the Stream podcast went live for a very special episode. Now that the results of the US election have come in, Hamid Alizadeh and Alan Woods from the International Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International (RCI) sat down to discuss the implications of Trump's victory and what it means to communists. Alan is the editor of marxist.com, the author of numerous books on Marxist theory and the lead theoretician of the RCI.

This year's election has been one of the most turbulent in US history. It comes amidst rising class contradictions and great instability on the world stage.

Never before has American bourgeois democracy been so discredited, and never has it been so confronted with so many challenges to its position as the world imperialist power. Trump's victory – against the hysterical attacks of the liberal establishment and media – will mark a milestone in the US’s tumble towards further crisis and instability.

A Marxist analysis of this election, and its implications on the already fragile world situation, is of huge importance to communists.

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